Resources for enhanced weathering buyers

December 7, 2023

This post highlights resources buyers can use when purchasing carbon removal from enhanced weathering companies. The Frontier team used them in the diligence and contracting process for our first enhanced weathering offtake with Lithos Carbon. We’re sharing them in case it’s helpful to others.

Buyer principles for responsible procurement

Early buyers of enhanced weathering can play an important role in setting a high bar for what safe and responsible deployment, and rigorous measurement look like. Frontier worked with Microsoft, the Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture and others to develop a set of principles to guide enhanced weathering purchasing decisions.

Health and ecosystem impact rubric

In partnership with Ramboll, an environmental, safety and health sciences firm, Frontier developed a rubric reviewers could use to assess whether a proposed project (1) is set up for safe deployment and (2) has a best-in-class approach to monitor and mitigate any potential ecosystem and health and safety risks. We include these details in a protocol in all signed enhanced weathering contracts, along with a community benefits plan.

Measurement rubric

To evaluate the measurement protocol of prospective candidates, Frontier worked with scientists from Yale and Georgia Institute of Technology to develop a measurement rubric that outlines what measurement, modeling and sampling procedures would give us high confidence that an enhanced weathering project is responsibly, conservatively, and rigorously crediting tons for their deployment.

If you have any comments or suggestions, we'd love to hear from you at