
Eion speeds up the natural process of rock weathering by spreading olivine on agricultural soils.

Contracted tons
Offtake - 2025
Prepurchase - 2023
Total contract value
Princeton, NJ, US
Delivery timeline
2027 – 2030
Splash image for Eion

The approach

Eion sources olivine, a rock type that reacts quickly with CO₂, spreads it on agricultural fields, and measures how much CO₂ is removed. The olivine reacts with rainwater, converting atmospheric CO₂ into bicarbonate, which moves through the soil into rivers and is stored permanently in the ocean.

Eion’s feedstock can be sold and used in the same way as agricultural lime, making it easy for farmers to adopt in the U.S. This similarity allows it to blend into the existing market for products that help manage soil acidity.

Project diagram

The case for Eion

  • Olivine’s benefit to farmers is straightforward and compelling. Eion’s product is a comparable substitute to ag lime, making it an easy sell to farmers—especially in regions with acidic soils. Thanks to the revenue generated by selling carbon removal, farmers can afford Eion’s product even when ag lime is prohibitively expensive or difficult to source.

  • Eion is building agricultural partnerships to reach more farmers faster. Unlike other companies that handle logistics, spreading, and sampling with their own staff, Eion instead partners with crop advisors at large agricultural distributors including Growmark and Southern Ag. These partnerships allow Eion to tap into existing expertise and scale efficiently.

  • Olivine-based deployment can help accelerate the scale-up of enhanced rock weathering across feedstock types. While olivine-based weathering is unlikely to reach gigaton scale with existing mining volumes, it can help pave the way for the accelerated deployment of enhanced rock weathering with other more abundant feedstocks like basalt. This is in part due to the fact that olivine weathers significantly faster than basalt, which translates to faster data collection, iteration, and learning. It’s also in part because the farmer relationships built through Eion’s trusted partnership will ideally pave the way for the deployment of other feedstocks.

  • Eion’s MRV approach includes an important research component—deep soil sampling—that will shed light on long-standing scientific questions in enhanced weathering. Eion is collecting deep soil measurements to understand how atoms in dissolving rocks interact with water and soil particles on their journey through the soil column. This work will uncover when soil-rock interactions affect the rate or magnitude of carbon removal that can occur in the soil. Cascade Climate identified this as a priority area for enhanced weathering and no other company is currently doing this type of research.

Pricing and delivery

The total offtake amount from Frontier buyers is $32.9 million for 78,707 tons. The price accounts for both the removal itself as well as measuring, reporting and verifying (MRV) that each ton is safely and permanently stored.

Project deployment
Eion's agricultural partner collects soil samples.